
Douglas Harris 12-10-2023
Douglas Harris

石头 玛瑙 它具有治疗能力,给使用它的人带来平衡、和谐和保护。 治疗的力量来自于用不同色调的玛瑙石为脉轮提供能量。 请看下面每种玛瑙的颜色的力量。



See_also: 梦见蜻蜓是否意味着我感到被困? 找出这个梦所代表的含义!



1- 蓝色花边玛瑙

这种石头能吸引和平与幸福,化解家庭分歧,缓解压力症状。 它还能给环境带来放松和清新。 它的治疗能力在与喉轮接触时被激活,给我们的身体带来肩部和颈部疼痛的缓解,在情感方面,它能提供思想和感情的自由表达。

2- 火玛瑙(红、蓝、橙三种颜色)

火玛瑙与大地有很深的联系,主要是作为一种保护性的石头。 它能激活我们的基本脉轮,激发我们的活力和意志力。 在我们的身体中,对消化、神经、内分泌和循环系统有好处,它也有利于视觉。 在情感方面,它能清除内在的视觉,促进自我认识。

3- 苔藓玛瑙

苔藓玛瑙是乐观主义的石头,它刺激使用者从小事中看到美,振奋灵魂,为新的开始带来力量和勇气,也与财富和富足有关。 在我们的身体中,它能加强我们的免疫和循环系统,帮助抵抗感冒和流感,帮助降低发烧和对抗长期的疾病。

4- 树枝状玛瑙(无色、棕色或绿色)

See_also: 发现玛瑙石的特性

这是丰饶的石头。 它能安抚环境,带来良好的能量,刺激我们充分利用生活中的时刻,珍惜每一件小事。 它非常适合与植物和土地打交道,在花园和后院非常有用。 在我们的身体中,它能刺激神经系统的正常运作,对抗神经痛,打开和调整脉轮。



  • 发现玛瑙石的力量。
  • 玛瑙石的特性和奇特之处。
  • 赤铁矿石的含义。

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.