
Douglas Harris 12-10-2023
Douglas Harris

恩班达的圣周从圣周三开始,在复活节周日之前。 恩班达的仪式也伴随着大斋节。 在圣周三,家里的Orixás穿上衣服,每个圣徒的儿子都向他们提供自己喜欢的食物。 Atabaques被收起来,只有在哈利路亚星期六才会被唤醒。

在基督教存在之前,非洲人民已经尊重大斋节。 然而,与耶稣基督的生活有关的事实有不同的含义。 基督教庆祝基督的复活并纪念他的牺牲和死亡,而非洲人则庆祝Lorogun,在这一时期,Orixàs人与邪恶作斗争以确保他们的日常面包给他们的孩子。

See_also: 灵魂之间的精神联系:灵魂伴侣或双胞胎火焰?

复活节是在白羊座的第一个满月庆祝的,这是一个相关的天体事件。 然而,这与Umbanda没有密切联系。


在受难日的前一天晚上,翁班达的追随者需要用他们的反埃贡来保护自己。 埃贡是尚未达到一定程度的意识的精神,有时不知道自己已经转世,并可能成为痴迷者。 例如,许多人可以将自己与某个化身捆绑在一起,用毒品、酒精或性来满足自己的瘾。 有些人,因为拒绝搬走今晚的情况更糟糕的是,Yansã处于战争状态,她无法履行她的职能,赶走那些到处乱跑和伤害人的幽灵。



圣周在Umbanda中代表世界的创造。 因此,在此期间Umbanda的信徒必须穿上白色的衣服,特别是在受难日,这一天Orixás从精神世界(Orun)降临,迎接Olorum的伟大创造。

在圣周期间,翁班达的追随者只吃白色食物,如米饭、米饭布丁、canjica、面包、木薯粉、acaçás等。 人们应该避免吃任何种类的肉,也不要喝酒精饮料,尤其是在受难日。


一些圣人之家通过交换巧克力蛋来庆祝复活节。 这与翁班达的传统没有关系,之所以会发生,只是因为这是扎根于我们社会的习俗。

See_also: 对埃克苏的有力祈祷

了解更多 :

  • 恩班达的七条线--奥里克斯的军队
  • 翁班达的支柱和它的神秘主义
  • 石头在翁班达的神奇意义

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.