
Douglas Harris 21-08-2024
Douglas Harris

翁班达是巴西的一种宗教,起源于灵媒、天主教和非洲。 它的术语来自金本多语 "u'mbana",意思是 "治疗者"。 它的仪式一般在terreiros举行,今天我们要了解一下翁班达terreiro的运作方式和进入这些宗教寺庙的所有过程。

翁班达-特雷罗如何工作: 入口

在terreiro的入口处,每个人通常都会脱掉鞋子,放在入口大厅里,通常是在大门外的左边。 从进入的那一刻起,就有助手引导整个公众到援助空间,以便他们可以安顿下来。

在这一过程中,用草药洗澡,以便帮助者与夜间的实体相适应。 将要发生的整个过程也被称为gira(或jira),即脐带崇拜。

Umbanda terreiro是如何工作的: 仪式

仪式开始时,要抽一些香来准备环境。 Peji(Umbanda祭坛)、灵媒的附近和所有的公众都被熏烤。

在翁班达崇拜的主要空间里,有几个灵媒和圣人之父,通常在中央。 这个主要空间被称为康加,意思是 "围墙"。 地板通常是用打过的土做的,蜡烛散布在灵媒和帮助者周围;这些蜡烛代表各种帮助,而灵媒仍然坐在那里接待公众。


Umbanda Terreiro是如何运作的:成立公司

在鼓声、拍手声和打击乐器声中,实体开始被纳入。 第一个接受实体的是圣人之父。 不久之后,神灵们将媒介纳入其中,他们一坐下来就开始向公众展示自己。

See_also: 圣马克和圣米克的祈祷--保护和束缚

在这期间,帮助实体,如Preto Velho、Exú、Caboclos和Erê进入媒介,以便他们能够帮助游客。



了解更多 :

See_also: 找出谁是奇科-泽维尔的精神向导艾玛纽埃尔?
  • 恩班达的七条线--奥里克斯的军队
  • Orixás da Umbanda (Umbanda的Orishas): 认识该宗教的主要神祗
  • 精神主义和Umbanda:它们之间有区别吗?

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.