
Douglas Harris 01-09-2024
Douglas Harris

如果你在学校、大学或工作中从未有过暗恋对象,那就请你投下第一块石头吧。 暗恋是英文术语,指我们的 "调情",那种甚至不让我们睡觉的 "疯狂的爱":"哦,我希望我现在就能和他在一起,亲吻那张嘴!"。 嗯,你可以,这一切都要感谢一个 用同情心来征服压迫感 !

但不要绝望,今天我们把其中的4种分开,这样你就可以根据你家里已有的原料,选择能使你的生活更轻松的一种。 良好的同情心和良好的吻!


  • 用蜜糖赢得同情的暗恋者


    把你的手指弄湿一点,涂在两个手腕上,不要过多,这样就不会太黑或太油腻。 让它自然干燥,你就可以离开家了。 尽量走过去,不要说什么。

  • 用香蕉赢得同情的暗恋

    拿一根黄色的香蕉,但不要太熟,就像你的爱人一样。 用干净的细尖物,沿着香蕉写上暗恋者的名字,想着你很快就会和他在被窝里。

    See_also: 如何在7个步骤中撤销情事

    把香蕉放在冰箱里,在一天结束时,在睡觉前把它整个吃掉。 第二天,你会感到惊讶。

  • 用红玫瑰的同情心赢得暗恋的人

    拿一朵红玫瑰,在月圆之夜,把它对准月亮,开始一瓣一瓣地拔出来,交替说:"他会爱我 "和 "我会爱他"。 最后,把植物的茎埋起来,在一张纸上写下你说的最后一句话。 把它藏在枕头下,第二天,把这张纸带到湖、河或海里,扔掉它。离开。

  • 用个人香水赢得暗恋者的同情

    在一张纸上喷两次你最喜欢的香水,并尝试以某种方式将这张纸送给你的暗恋对象。 可以是一张纸条,一封信,你可以想出任何借口。 你可以假装它是一本小册子,任何东西。 这张纸,加上你的香水,应该到达他那里。

了解更多 :

See_also: 蓖麻油浴对抗卡蒂卡和黑魔法
  • 财务成功的芥末慰问
  • 最好的网上慰问:对金钱和商业的有力仪式
  • 7 草药精华--大自然的清洁和解压力量

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.