
Douglas Harris 12-10-2023
Douglas Harris

随着实践的深入 浩奥波诺(Ho'oponono) 你要为你的生活和你对世界的影响负责。 我们要明白,把责任推给别人是很简单的,但把责任推给自己,对我们来说是很复杂和困难的事情。 因此,Ho'oponopono的基础是爱自己,寻求改善你的生活,寻求你的治疗,给世界带来和平和平衡。 你可以通过以下方式做到这一点这里是原始的Ho'oponopono祈祷词、咒语以及如何在你的治疗和净化过程中使用它们。

See_also: 同情和黑魔法之间有什么区别


最初的Ho'oponono祷告词是由Morrnah Namalaku Simeona写的,她是世界上领先的Ho'oponono传播者和促进者Dr.Len的老师。 这是一个强大的祷告词,有助于清除记忆的过程。 祈祷这个Ho'oponopono祷告词:






同时阅读: 用Ho'oponopono帮助释放记忆的短语




点击这里: 什么是Ho'oponopono?

See_also: 吉普赛-巴勃罗--认识他的生活故事和魔法

当你说'我很抱歉'时,你是在为你的行为和想法负责,并表明你的改变意愿。 当你说'原谅我'时,你对你可能已经做错的事情表示遗憾,清洗过程开始。 用'我爱你'你确认这个过程的正能量,将坏思想和记忆的封锁能量转化为流动的能量。最后,当你说'我很感激'时,你表达了你对这个治疗和解救过程的感激和信心,感谢神性。

同时阅读: 乔-维塔莱,零极限和Ho'oponopono

你可以在一天中随心所欲地重复这个咒语,甚至在你做其他动作的时候,如工作、学习或锻炼。 你不需要在冥想或放松的过程中说出这个咒语,最理想的是你全程保持这个想法,记住和平始于你内心。

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Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.