如何取悦Seu Zé Pelintra:为了慈善和赌博

Douglas Harris 15-08-2023
Douglas Harris

Zé Pelintra 他是翁班达最神秘和强大的实体之一。 他有一个非常有趣的历史,即使他的起源不确定。 赋予他积极的恶意和无赖,他总是征服每个人,有很多感情和信仰!他是一个很好的例子!

See_also: 星座兼容性: 狮子座与狮子座


从东北部到东南部,无论走到哪里,他总是频繁出入酒吧和夜生活。 他以乐于助人和慈善著称,会帮助他的朋友和最贫穷的人,购买食物和饮料。

他的调皮方式--并非以消极的方式看待--是他的标志之一。 因此,他引导我们走上一条适应性的道路,在那里我们可以改善我们的游戏和社会生活。

他还告诉我们如何做慈善,如何做人,无论在什么情况下。 正是因为这个原因,为了获得他的祝福,我们现在要做一个美丽的祭品来纪念他。

点击这里:Zé Pilintra的故事--Umbanda的流氓



  • 1杯椰子奶昔或以椰子为原料的酒精饮料
  • 1支白蜡烛
  • 1个小玻璃杯
  • 1支红色过滤嘴香烟或1支红玫瑰香

在一个非常安静的晚上,你可以去你的房间或花园、后院。 你有必要不被打扰,所以要确保一切都很安静和有序。

See_also: Pontos de Pombagira - 见每个实体的颂歌

点燃你面前的蜡烛,用玻璃杯装满椰子饮料。 深吸一口气,把杯子放在燃烧的蜡烛旁边。


深吸一口气,如果你吸烟,就把烟拉出7次,然后向蜡烛方向释放,不要吹灭。 如果你不吸烟,就把香的顶端烧起来,当它开始冒烟时,就向微光处轻吹7次,不要把它吹灭。

感谢Zé Pelintra,你可以去睡觉休息了。


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Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.