
Douglas Harris 12-10-2023
Douglas Harris

O 用粗盐和醋进行排泄浴 不是没有原因的,它的力量非常强大,对于洗涤我们机体中积累的邪恶的灵魂非常重要。

盐可以远离邪恶之眼、负能量,防止坏东西进入你体内,使你的能量不和谐。 醋有清洁作用,它有助于去除身体和精神上的杂质,这就是为什么它也被强烈推荐用于清洁房屋。

See_also: 了解圣母指导的祈祷,以打开道路



See_also: 圣乔治之剑的保护浴
  • 1杯粗盐
  • 1瓶500毫升的矿泉水
  • 4汤匙醋(你可以使用任何你喜欢的白醋)。
  • 1片月桂叶
  • 1枝芸香
  • 1个干净的容器


这很简单,只需加入所有成分,让它们静置7个小时。 然后,在晚上洗澡时,在出门之前,用混合物从颈部到底部清洗自己。 心里想着大海和良好的能量。



为了加强用岩盐和醋进行的解压浴,请加入4滴薰衣草精华。 这将有助于封住你的灵魂,让你有更多的平静和智慧来做决定。

了解更多 :

  • 圣乔治浴场用于排放和保护
  • 你需要知道的所有关于卸货时的洗澡问题
  • 摆脱精神负担的出浴法

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.