
Douglas Harris 15-09-2023
Douglas Harris

你知道吗? 靛蓝 请看下面的文章,如何进行精神净化?

靛蓝的明亮蓝色对驱赶环境中的低振动和负能量的精神很有威力。 它们积聚在房子的角落里,给房子带来沉重的能量,并使住在那里的人感到沮丧。 靛蓝驱赶住在阴间的精神(这就像一个炼狱,为那些没有成功进化和干扰生活的精神)。不是因为它的矿物特性,而是因为它强烈的蓝色能净化环境,提升和保护灵魂。

See_also: 与水为伴,为爱而生的友谊


1º - 在开始心灵净化仪式之前,你需要覆盖你的太阳神经丛,也就是位于我们肚脐的脉轮。 低振动的灵魂通过这个脉轮来观察我们并接触我们,如果我们覆盖它,它们就无法接触我们。 因此,在净化前3天,用一块胶布覆盖你的肚脐,并保持覆盖。

See_also: 2023年7月的月相

2º - 对要净化的环境进行一次彻底的清洁。 清除所有的污垢,同时摆脱堆积物、没有用的物品、破碎的物品、没有用的旧衣服等。

3º - 在水桶中注入两升水,并加入一汤匙靛蓝。 搅拌直至稀释。

4 拿一块干净的布,最好是还没有用过的新布,蘸上靛蓝的水,拧开布,在瓷砖、地板、门柱上擦拭,这些地方是门槛上的鬼魂通常停留的地方。

5º - 一旦这样做了,你应该大声祈祷一整个月,选择圣经中的诗篇或正能量的信息。 点燃蜡烛和香味浓郁的丁香或紫罗兰香,这些颜色被认为可以将负能量转化为正能量。


你也可以用靛蓝浴来保护自己不受邪灵侵扰。 在一个壶里放一升水,一勺靛蓝和21滴茴香精。 像平时一样洗澡,用干净的毛巾擦干,然后把壶里的东西全部从脖子往下倒。 然后大声祷告诗篇23篇:


然后,让自己与外界隔离至少20分钟,保持平静和安静。 如果你觉得有必要,可以在90天内重复这个程序。


  • 仪式:用保护油进行清洁
  • 强大的灵性净化祈祷,反对负面情绪
  • 如何检测精神的存在

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a renowned astrologer, writer, and spiritual practitioner with over 15 years of experience in the field. He possesses a keen understanding of the cosmic energies that impact our lives and has helped numerous individuals navigate their paths through his insightful horoscope readings. Douglas has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and has dedicated his life to exploring the intricacies of astrology, numerology, and other esoteric disciplines. He is a frequent contributor to various blogs and publications, where he shares his insights on the latest celestial events and their influence on our lives. His gentle and compassionate approach to astrology has earned him a loyal following, and his clients often describe him as an empathetic and intuitive guide. When he's not busy deciphering the stars, Douglas enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family.